getConfigFactoryStub(['update.settings' => ['fetch_url' => '']]); $http_client_mock = $this->getMock('\GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface'); $this->updateFetcher = new UpdateFetcher($config_factory, $http_client_mock); } /** * Tests that buildFetchUrl() builds the URL correctly. * * @param array $project * A keyed array of project information matching results from * \Drupal\Update\UpdateManager::getProjects(). * @param string $site_key * A string to mimic an anonymous site key hash. * @param string $expected * The expected url returned from UpdateFetcher::buildFetchUrl() * * @dataProvider providerTestUpdateBuildFetchUrl * * @see \Drupal\update\UpdateFetcher::buildFetchUrl() */ public function testUpdateBuildFetchUrl(array $project, $site_key, $expected) { $url = $this->updateFetcher->buildFetchUrl($project, $site_key); $this->assertEquals($url, $expected); } /** * Provide test data for self::testUpdateBuildFetchUrl(). * * @return array * An array of arrays, each containing: * - 'project' - An array matching a project's .info file structure. * - 'site_key' - An arbitrary site key. * - 'expected' - The expected url from UpdateFetcher::buildFetchUrl(). */ public function providerTestUpdateBuildFetchUrl() { $data = []; // First test that we didn't break the trivial case. $project['name'] = 'update_test'; $project['project_type'] = ''; $project['info']['version'] = ''; $project['info']['project status url'] = ''; $project['includes'] = ['module1' => 'Module 1', 'module2' => 'Module 2']; $site_key = ''; $expected = '' . $project['name'] . '/' . DRUPAL_CORE_COMPATIBILITY; $data[] = [$project, $site_key, $expected]; // For disabled projects it shouldn't add the site key either. $site_key = 'site_key'; $project['project_type'] = 'disabled'; $expected = '' . $project['name'] . '/' . DRUPAL_CORE_COMPATIBILITY; $data[] = [$project, $site_key, $expected]; // For enabled projects, test adding the site key. $project['project_type'] = ''; $expected = '' . $project['name'] . '/' . DRUPAL_CORE_COMPATIBILITY; $expected .= '?site_key=site_key'; $expected .= '&list=' . rawurlencode('module1,module2'); $data[] = [$project, $site_key, $expected]; // Test when the URL contains a question mark. $project['info']['project status url'] = ''; $expected = '' . $project['name'] . '/' . DRUPAL_CORE_COMPATIBILITY; $expected .= '&site_key=site_key'; $expected .= '&list=' . rawurlencode('module1,module2'); $data[] = [$project, $site_key, $expected]; return $data; } }