container->get(''); $sync = $this->container->get(''); $config_name = 'config_test.system'; $change_key = 'foo'; $remove_key = '404'; $add_key = 'biff'; $add_data = 'bangpow'; $change_data = 'foobar'; // Install the default config. $this->installConfig(['config_test']); $original_data = \Drupal::config($config_name)->get(); // Change a configuration value in sync. $sync_data = $original_data; $sync_data[$change_key] = $change_data; $sync_data[$add_key] = $add_data; $sync->write($config_name, $sync_data); // Verify that the diff reflects a change. $diff = \Drupal::service('config.manager')->diff($active, $sync, $config_name); $edits = $diff->getEdits(); $this->assertYamlEdit($edits, $change_key, 'change', [$change_key . ': ' . $original_data[$change_key]], [$change_key . ': ' . $change_data]); // Reset data back to original, and remove a key $sync_data = $original_data; unset($sync_data[$remove_key]); $sync->write($config_name, $sync_data); // Verify that the diff reflects a removed key. $diff = \Drupal::service('config.manager')->diff($active, $sync, $config_name); $edits = $diff->getEdits(); $this->assertYamlEdit($edits, $change_key, 'copy'); $this->assertYamlEdit($edits, $remove_key, 'delete', [$remove_key . ': ' . $original_data[$remove_key]], FALSE ); // Reset data back to original and add a key $sync_data = $original_data; $sync_data[$add_key] = $add_data; $sync->write($config_name, $sync_data); // Verify that the diff reflects an added key. $diff = \Drupal::service('config.manager')->diff($active, $sync, $config_name); $edits = $diff->getEdits(); $this->assertYamlEdit($edits, $change_key, 'copy'); $this->assertYamlEdit($edits, $add_key, 'add', FALSE, [$add_key . ': ' . $add_data]); // Test diffing a renamed config entity. $test_entity_id = $this->randomMachineName(); $test_entity = entity_create('config_test', [ 'id' => $test_entity_id, 'label' => $this->randomMachineName(), ]); $test_entity->save(); $data = $active->read('config_test.dynamic.' . $test_entity_id); $sync->write('config_test.dynamic.' . $test_entity_id, $data); $config_name = 'config_test.dynamic.' . $test_entity_id; $diff = \Drupal::service('config.manager')->diff($active, $sync, $config_name, $config_name); // Prove the fields match. $edits = $diff->getEdits(); $this->assertEqual($edits[0]->type, 'copy', 'The first item in the diff is a copy.'); $this->assertEqual(count($edits), 1, 'There is one item in the diff'); // Rename the entity. $new_test_entity_id = $this->randomMachineName(); $test_entity->set('id', $new_test_entity_id); $test_entity->save(); $diff = \Drupal::service('config.manager')->diff($active, $sync, 'config_test.dynamic.' . $new_test_entity_id, $config_name); $edits = $diff->getEdits(); $this->assertYamlEdit($edits, 'uuid', 'copy'); $this->assertYamlEdit($edits, 'id', 'change', ['id: ' . $new_test_entity_id], ['id: ' . $test_entity_id]); $this->assertYamlEdit($edits, 'label', 'copy'); $this->assertEqual($edits[2]->type, 'copy', 'The third item in the diff is a copy.'); $this->assertEqual(count($edits), 3, 'There are three items in the diff.'); } /** * Tests calculating the difference between two sets of config collections. */ public function testCollectionDiff() { /** @var \Drupal\Core\Config\StorageInterface $active */ $active = $this->container->get(''); /** @var \Drupal\Core\Config\StorageInterface $sync */ $sync = $this->container->get(''); $active_test_collection = $active->createCollection('test'); $sync_test_collection = $sync->createCollection('test'); $config_name = 'config_test.test'; $data = ['foo' => 'bar']; $active->write($config_name, $data); $sync->write($config_name, $data); $active_test_collection->write($config_name, $data); $sync_test_collection->write($config_name, ['foo' => 'baz']); // Test the fields match in the default collection diff. $diff = \Drupal::service('config.manager')->diff($active, $sync, $config_name); $edits = $diff->getEdits(); $this->assertEqual($edits[0]->type, 'copy', 'The first item in the diff is a copy.'); $this->assertEqual(count($edits), 1, 'There is one item in the diff'); // Test that the differences are detected when diffing the collection. $diff = \Drupal::service('config.manager')->diff($active, $sync, $config_name, NULL, 'test'); $edits = $diff->getEdits(); $this->assertYamlEdit($edits, 'foo', 'change', ['foo: bar'], ['foo: baz']); } /** * Helper method to test that an edit is found in a diff'd YAML file. * * @param array $edits * A list of edits. * @param string $field * The field key that is being asserted. * @param string $type * The type of edit that is being asserted. * @param mixed $orig * (optional) The original value of of the edit. If not supplied, assertion * is skipped. * @param mixed $closing * (optional) The closing value of of the edit. If not supplied, assertion * is skipped. */ protected function assertYamlEdit(array $edits, $field, $type, $orig = NULL, $closing = NULL) { $match = FALSE; foreach ($edits as $edit) { // Choose which section to search for the field. $haystack = $type == 'add' ? $edit->closing : $edit->orig; // Look through each line and try and find the key. if (is_array($haystack)) { foreach ($haystack as $item) { if (strpos($item, $field . ':') === 0) { $match = TRUE; // Assert that the edit is of the type specified. $this->assertEqual($edit->type, $type, "The $field item in the diff is a $type"); // If an original value was given, assert that it matches. if (isset($orig)) { $this->assertIdentical($edit->orig, $orig, "The original value for key '$field' is correct."); } // If a closing value was given, assert that it matches. if (isset($closing)) { $this->assertIdentical($edit->closing, $closing, "The closing value for key '$field' is correct."); } // Break out of the search entirely. break 2; } } } } // If we didn't match anything, fail. if (!$match) { $this->fail("$field edit was not matched"); } } }