typedData = $this->container->get('typed_data_manager'); } /** * Tests the EntityTypeConstraintValidator. */ public function testValidation() { // Create a typed data definition with an EntityType constraint. $entity_type = 'node'; $definition = DataDefinition::create('entity_reference') ->setConstraints([ 'EntityType' => $entity_type, ] ); // Test the validation. $node = $this->container->get('entity.manager')->getStorage('node')->create(['type' => 'page']); $typed_data = $this->typedData->create($definition, $node); $violations = $typed_data->validate(); $this->assertEqual($violations->count(), 0, 'Validation passed for correct value.'); // Test the validation when an invalid value (in this case a user entity) // is passed. $account = $this->createUser(); $typed_data = $this->typedData->create($definition, $account); $violations = $typed_data->validate(); $this->assertEqual($violations->count(), 1, 'Validation failed for incorrect value.'); // Make sure the information provided by a violation is correct. $violation = $violations[0]; $this->assertEqual($violation->getMessage(), t('The entity must be of type %type.', ['%type' => $entity_type]), 'The message for invalid value is correct.'); $this->assertEqual($violation->getRoot(), $typed_data, 'Violation root is correct.'); $this->assertEqual($violation->getInvalidValue(), $account, 'The invalid value is set correctly in the violation.'); } }