installConfig(['system', 'filter']); } /** * Creates a test entity. * * @param string $entity_type * An entity type. * * @return \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface * The created test entity. */ protected function createTestEntity($entity_type) { $this->entityName = $this->randomMachineName(); $this->entityUser = $this->createUser(); // Pass in the value of the name field when creating. With the user // field we test setting a field after creation. $entity = $this->container->get('entity_type.manager') ->getStorage($entity_type) ->create(); $entity->user_id->target_id = $this->entityUser->id(); $entity->name->value = $this->entityName; // Set a value for the test field. if ($entity->hasField('field_test_text')) { $this->entityFieldText = $this->randomMachineName(); $entity->field_test_text->value = $this->entityFieldText; } return $entity; } /** * Tests validating test entity types. */ public function testValidation() { // Ensure that the constraint manager is marked as cached cleared. // Use the protected property on the cache_clearer first to check whether // the constraint manager is added there. // Ensure that the proxy class is initialized, which has the necessary // method calls attached. \Drupal::service('plugin.cache_clearer'); $plugin_cache_clearer = \Drupal::service('drupal.proxy_original_service.plugin.cache_clearer'); $get_cached_discoveries = function () { return $this->cachedDiscoveries; }; $get_cached_discoveries = $get_cached_discoveries->bindTo($plugin_cache_clearer, $plugin_cache_clearer); $cached_discoveries = $get_cached_discoveries(); $cached_discovery_classes = []; foreach ($cached_discoveries as $cached_discovery) { $cached_discovery_classes[] = get_class($cached_discovery); } $this->assertTrue(in_array('Drupal\Core\Validation\ConstraintManager', $cached_discovery_classes)); // All entity variations have to have the same results. foreach (entity_test_entity_types() as $entity_type) { $this->checkValidation($entity_type); } } /** * Executes the validation test set for a defined entity type. * * @param string $entity_type * The entity type to run the tests with. */ protected function checkValidation($entity_type) { $entity = $this->createTestEntity($entity_type); $violations = $entity->validate(); $this->assertEqual($violations->count(), 0, 'Validation passes.'); // Test triggering a fail for each of the constraints specified. $test_entity = clone $entity; $test_entity->id->value = -1; $violations = $test_entity->validate(); $this->assertEqual($violations->count(), 1, 'Validation failed.'); $this->assertEqual($violations[0]->getMessage(), t('%name: The integer must be larger or equal to %min.', ['%name' => 'ID', '%min' => 0])); $test_entity = clone $entity; $test_entity->uuid->value = $this->randomString(129); $violations = $test_entity->validate(); $this->assertEqual($violations->count(), 1, 'Validation failed.'); $this->assertEqual($violations[0]->getMessage(), t('%name: may not be longer than @max characters.', ['%name' => 'UUID', '@max' => 128])); $test_entity = clone $entity; $langcode_key = $this->entityManager->getDefinition($entity_type)->getKey('langcode'); $test_entity->{$langcode_key}->value = $this->randomString(13); $violations = $test_entity->validate(); // This should fail on AllowedValues and Length constraints. $this->assertEqual($violations->count(), 2, 'Validation failed.'); $this->assertEqual($violations[0]->getMessage(), t('This value is too long. It should have %limit characters or less.', ['%limit' => '12'])); $this->assertEqual($violations[1]->getMessage(), t('The value you selected is not a valid choice.')); $test_entity = clone $entity; $test_entity->type->value = NULL; $violations = $test_entity->validate(); $this->assertEqual($violations->count(), 1, 'Validation failed.'); $this->assertEqual($violations[0]->getMessage(), t('This value should not be null.')); $test_entity = clone $entity; $test_entity->name->value = $this->randomString(33); $violations = $test_entity->validate(); $this->assertEqual($violations->count(), 1, 'Validation failed.'); $this->assertEqual($violations[0]->getMessage(), t('%name: may not be longer than @max characters.', ['%name' => 'Name', '@max' => 32])); // Make sure the information provided by a violation is correct. $violation = $violations[0]; $this->assertEqual($violation->getRoot()->getValue(), $test_entity, 'Violation root is entity.'); $this->assertEqual($violation->getPropertyPath(), 'name.0.value', 'Violation property path is correct.'); $this->assertEqual($violation->getInvalidValue(), $test_entity->name->value, 'Violation contains invalid value.'); $test_entity = clone $entity; $test_entity->set('user_id', 9999); $violations = $test_entity->validate(); $this->assertEqual($violations->count(), 1, 'Validation failed.'); $this->assertEqual($violations[0]->getMessage(), t('The referenced entity (%type: %id) does not exist.', ['%type' => 'user', '%id' => 9999])); $test_entity = clone $entity; $test_entity->field_test_text->format = $this->randomString(33); $violations = $test_entity->validate(); $this->assertEqual($violations->count(), 1, 'Validation failed.'); $this->assertEqual($violations[0]->getMessage(), t('The value you selected is not a valid choice.')); // Make sure the information provided by a violation is correct. $violation = $violations[0]; $this->assertEqual($violation->getRoot()->getValue(), $test_entity, 'Violation root is entity.'); $this->assertEqual($violation->getPropertyPath(), 'field_test_text.0.format', 'Violation property path is correct.'); $this->assertEqual($violation->getInvalidValue(), $test_entity->field_test_text->format, 'Violation contains invalid value.'); } /** * Tests composite constraints. */ public function testCompositeConstraintValidation() { $entity = $this->createTestEntity('entity_test_composite_constraint'); $violations = $entity->validate(); $this->assertEqual($violations->count(), 0); // Trigger violation condition. $entity->name->value = 'test'; $entity->type->value = 'test2'; $violations = $entity->validate(); $this->assertEqual($violations->count(), 1); // Make sure we can determine this is composite constraint. $constraint = $violations[0]->getConstraint(); $this->assertTrue($constraint instanceof CompositeConstraintBase, 'Constraint is composite constraint.'); $this->assertEqual('type', $violations[0]->getPropertyPath()); /** @var CompositeConstraintBase $constraint */ $this->assertEqual($constraint->coversFields(), ['name', 'type'], 'Information about covered fields can be retrieved.'); } }