['drupal-8.0.0-beta2.hu.po', 'drupal-8.0.0.de.po'], 'de' => ['drupal-8.0.0.de.po'], 'hu' => ['drupal-8.0.0-beta2.hu.po'], 'it' => [], ]; // Hardcode the simpletest module location as we don't yet know where it is. // @todo Remove as part of https://www.drupal.org/node/2186491 $file_translation = new FileTranslation('core/modules/simpletest/files/translations'); foreach ($expected_translation_files as $langcode => $files_expected) { $files_found = $file_translation->findTranslationFiles($langcode); $this->assertTrue(count($files_found) == count($files_expected), format_string('@count installer languages found.', ['@count' => count($files_expected)])); foreach ($files_found as $file) { $this->assertTrue(in_array($file->filename, $files_expected), format_string('@file found.', ['@file' => $file->filename])); } } } /** * Tests profile info caching in non-English languages. */ public function testInstallerTranslationCache() { require_once 'core/includes/install.inc'; // Prime the drupal_get_filename() static cache with the location of the // testing profile as it is not the currently active profile and we don't // yet have any cached way to retrieve its location. // @todo Remove as part of https://www.drupal.org/node/2186491 drupal_get_filename('profile', 'testing', 'core/profiles/testing/testing.info.yml'); $info_en = install_profile_info('testing', 'en'); $info_nl = install_profile_info('testing', 'nl'); $this->assertFalse(in_array('locale', $info_en['dependencies']), 'Locale is not set when installing in English.'); $this->assertTrue(in_array('locale', $info_nl['dependencies']), 'Locale is set when installing in Dutch.'); } }