installEntitySchema('user'); $this->installEntitySchema('node'); $this->installEntitySchema('node_type'); $type = NodeType::create(['type' => 'page', 'name' => 'Page']); $type->save(); $name = $this->randomMachineName(); $manager = new MockBlockManager(); $plugin = $manager->createInstance('user_name'); // Create a node, add it as context, catch the exception. $node = Node::create(['type' => 'page', 'title' => $name]); // Try to get context that is missing its definition. try { $plugin->getContextDefinition('not_exists'); $this->fail('The user context should not yet be set.'); } catch (ContextException $e) { $this->assertEqual($e->getMessage(), 'The not_exists context is not a valid context.'); } // Test the getContextDefinitions() method. $user_context_definition = ContextDefinition::create('entity:user')->setLabel(t('User')); $this->assertEqual($plugin->getContextDefinitions()['user']->getLabel(), $user_context_definition->getLabel()); // Test the getContextDefinition() method for a valid context. $this->assertEqual($plugin->getContextDefinition('user')->getLabel(), $user_context_definition->getLabel()); // Try to get a context with valid definition. $this->assertNotNull($plugin->getContext('user'), 'Succeeded to get a context with a valid definition.'); // Try to get a value of a valid context, while this value has not been set. try { $plugin->getContextValue('user'); } catch (ContextException $e) { $this->assertIdentical("The 'entity:user' context is required and not present.", $e->getMessage(), 'Requesting a non-set value of a required context should throw a context exception.'); } // Try to pass the wrong class type as a context value. $plugin->setContextValue('user', $node); $violations = $plugin->validateContexts(); $this->assertTrue(!empty($violations), 'The provided context value does not pass validation.'); // Set an appropriate context value and check to make sure its methods work // as expected. $user = User::create(['name' => $name]); $plugin->setContextValue('user', $user); $this->assertEqual($plugin->getContextValue('user')->getUsername(), $user->getUsername()); $this->assertEqual($user->label(), $plugin->getTitle()); // Test Optional context handling. $plugin = $manager->createInstance('user_name_optional'); $this->assertNull($plugin->getContextValue('user'), 'Requesting a non-set value of a valid context should return NULL.'); // Test Complex compound context handling. $complex_plugin = $manager->createInstance('complex_context'); $complex_plugin->setContextValue('user', $user); // With only the user context set, try to get the context values. $values = $complex_plugin->getContextValues(); $this->assertNull($values['node'], 'The node context is not yet set.'); $this->assertNotNull($values['user'], 'The user context is set'); $complex_plugin->setContextValue('node', $node); $context_wrappers = $complex_plugin->getContexts(); // Make sure what came out of the wrappers is good. $this->assertEqual($context_wrappers['user']->getContextValue()->label(), $user->label()); $this->assertEqual($context_wrappers['node']->getContextValue()->label(), $node->label()); // Make sure what comes out of the context values is good. $contexts = $complex_plugin->getContextValues(); $this->assertEqual($contexts['user']->label(), $user->label()); $this->assertEqual($contexts['node']->label(), $node->label()); // Test the title method for the complex context plugin. $this->assertEqual($user->label() . ' -- ' . $node->label(), $complex_plugin->getTitle()); } }