entityManager = $this->getMock('Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityManagerInterface'); $this->entityConverter = new EntityConverter($this->entityManager); } /** * Tests the applies() method. * * @dataProvider providerTestApplies * * @covers ::applies */ public function testApplies(array $definition, $name, Route $route, $applies) { $this->entityManager->expects($this->any()) ->method('hasDefinition') ->willReturnCallback(function($entity_type) { return 'entity_test' == $entity_type; }); $this->assertEquals($applies, $this->entityConverter->applies($definition, $name, $route)); } /** * Provides test data for testApplies() */ public function providerTestApplies() { $data = []; $data[] = [['type' => 'entity:foo'], 'foo', new Route('/test/{foo}/bar'), FALSE]; $data[] = [['type' => 'entity:entity_test'], 'foo', new Route('/test/{foo}/bar'), TRUE]; $data[] = [['type' => 'entity:entity_test'], 'entity_test', new Route('/test/{entity_test}/bar'), TRUE]; $data[] = [['type' => 'entity:{entity_test}'], 'entity_test', new Route('/test/{entity_test}/bar'), FALSE]; $data[] = [['type' => 'entity:{entity_type}'], 'entity_test', new Route('/test/{entity_type}/{entity_test}/bar'), TRUE]; $data[] = [['type' => 'foo'], 'entity_test', new Route('/test/{entity_type}/{entity_test}/bar'), FALSE]; return $data; } /** * Tests the convert() method. * * @dataProvider providerTestConvert * * @covers ::convert */ public function testConvert($value, array $definition, array $defaults, $expected_result) { $entity_storage = $this->getMock('Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageInterface'); $this->entityManager->expects($this->once()) ->method('getStorage') ->with('entity_test') ->willReturn($entity_storage); $entity_storage->expects($this->any()) ->method('load') ->willReturnMap([ ['valid_id', (object) ['id' => 'valid_id']], ['invalid_id', NULL], ]); $this->assertEquals($expected_result, $this->entityConverter->convert($value, $definition, 'foo', $defaults)); } /** * Provides test data for testConvert */ public function providerTestConvert() { $data = []; // Existing entity type. $data[] = ['valid_id', ['type' => 'entity:entity_test'], ['foo' => 'valid_id'], (object) ['id' => 'valid_id']]; // Invalid ID. $data[] = ['invalid_id', ['type' => 'entity:entity_test'], ['foo' => 'invalid_id'], NULL]; // Entity type placeholder. $data[] = ['valid_id', ['type' => 'entity:{entity_type}'], ['foo' => 'valid_id', 'entity_type' => 'entity_test'], (object) ['id' => 'valid_id']]; return $data; } /** * Tests the convert() method with an invalid entity type. */ public function testConvertWithInvalidEntityType() { $this->entityManager->expects($this->once()) ->method('getStorage') ->with('invalid_id') ->willThrowException(new InvalidPluginDefinitionException('invalid_id')); $this->setExpectedException(InvalidPluginDefinitionException::class); $this->entityConverter->convert('id', ['type' => 'entity:invalid_id'], 'foo', ['foo' => 'id']); } /** * Tests the convert() method with an invalid dynamic entity type. */ public function testConvertWithInvalidDynamicEntityType() { $this->setExpectedException(ParamNotConvertedException::class, 'The "foo" parameter was not converted because the "invalid_id" parameter is missing'); $this->entityConverter->convert('id', ['type' => 'entity:{invalid_id}'], 'foo', ['foo' => 'id']); } }