&$breakpoint) { $breakpoint = array_filter($breakpoint); if (empty($breakpoint['width']) && empty($breakpoint['image_style'])) { unset($settings['breakpoints'][$key]); } } } // Identify that Blazy can be activated only by breakpoints. if (empty($settings['blazy'])) { $settings['blazy'] = !empty($settings['breakpoints']); } } /** * Checks if an image style contains crop effect. */ public function isCrop($style = NULL) { foreach ($style->getEffects() as $effect) { if (strpos($effect->getPluginId(), 'crop') !== FALSE) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } /** * Sets dimensions once to reduce method calls, if image style contains crop. * * The implementor should only call this if not using Responsive image style. * * @param array $settings * The settings being modified. */ public function setDimensionsOnce(array &$settings = []) { $item = isset($settings['item']) ? $settings['item'] : NULL; $dimensions['width'] = $settings['original_width'] = isset($item->width) ? $item->width : NULL; $dimensions['height'] = $settings['original_height'] = isset($item->height) ? $item->height : NULL; // If image style contains crop, sets dimension once, and let all inherit. if (!empty($settings['image_style']) && ($style = $this->entityLoad($settings['image_style']))) { if ($this->isCrop($style)) { $style->transformDimensions($dimensions, $settings['uri']); $settings['height'] = $dimensions['height']; $settings['width'] = $dimensions['width']; // Informs individual images that dimensions are already set once. $settings['_dimensions'] = TRUE; } } // Also sets breakpoint dimensions once, if cropped. if (!empty($settings['breakpoints'])) { $this->buildDataBlazy($settings, $item); } // Remove these since this method is meant for top-level container. unset($settings['uri'], $settings['item']); } /** * Checks for Blazy formatter such as from within a Views style plugin. * * Ensures the settings traverse up to the container where Blazy is clueless. * The supported plugins can add [data-blazy] attribute into its container * containing $settings['blazy_data'] converted into [data-blazy] JSON. * * @param array $settings * The settings being modified. * @param array $item * The item containing settings or item keys. */ public function isBlazy(array &$settings, array $item = []) { // Retrieves Blazy formatter related settings from within Views style. $content = !empty($settings['item_id']) && isset($item[$settings['item_id']]) ? $item[$settings['item_id']] : $item; // 1. Blazy formatter within Views fields by supported modules. if (isset($item['settings'])) { // Prevents edge case with unexpected flattened Views results which is // normally triggered by checking "Use field template" option. $blazy = is_array($content) && isset($content['#build']['settings']) ? $content['#build']['settings'] : []; // Allows breakpoints overrides such as multi-styled images by GridStack. if (empty($settings['breakpoints']) && isset($blazy['breakpoints'])) { $settings['breakpoints'] = $blazy['breakpoints']; } $cherries = [ 'blazy', 'box_style', 'image_style', 'lazy', 'media_switch', 'ratio', 'uri', ]; foreach ($cherries as $key) { $fallback = isset($settings[$key]) ? $settings[$key] : ''; $settings[$key] = isset($blazy[$key]) && empty($fallback) ? $blazy[$key] : $fallback; } } // 2. Blazy Views fields by supported modules. if (is_array($content) && isset($content['#view']) && ($view = $content['#view'])) { if ($blazy_field = BlazyViews::viewsField($view)) { $settings = array_merge(array_filter($blazy_field->mergedViewsSettings()), array_filter($settings)); } } // Provides data for the [data-blazy] attribute at the containing element. $this->cleanUpBreakpoints($settings); if (!empty($settings['breakpoints'])) { $image = isset($item['item']) ? $item['item'] : NULL; $this->buildDataBlazy($settings, $image); } unset($settings['uri']); } /** * Builds breakpoints suitable for top-level [data-blazy] wrapper attributes. * * The hustle is because we need to define dimensions once, if applicable, and * let all images inherit. Each breakpoint image may be cropped, or scaled * without a crop. To set dimensions once requires all breakpoint images * uniformly cropped. But that is not always the case. * * @param array $settings * The settings being modified. * @param object|mixed $item * The \Drupal\image\Plugin\Field\FieldType\ImageItem item, or array when * dealing with Video Embed Field. * * @todo: Refine this like everything else. */ public function buildDataBlazy(array &$settings, $item = NULL) { // Early opt-out if blazy_data has already been defined. // Blazy doesn't always deal with image directly. if (!empty($settings['blazy_data'])) { return; } if (empty($settings['original_width'])) { $settings['original_width'] = isset($item->width) ? $item->width : NULL; $settings['original_height'] = isset($item->height) ? $item->height : NULL; } $json = $sources = []; $end = end($settings['breakpoints']); foreach ($settings['breakpoints'] as $key => $breakpoint) { if (empty($breakpoint['image_style']) || empty($breakpoint['width'])) { continue; } if ($width = Blazy::widthFromDescriptors($breakpoint['width'])) { // If contains crop, sets dimension once, and let all images inherit. if (!empty($settings['uri']) && !empty($settings['ratio'])) { $dimensions['width'] = $settings['original_width']; $dimensions['height'] = $settings['original_height']; if (!empty($breakpoint['image_style']) && ($style = $this->entityLoad($breakpoint['image_style']))) { if ($this->isCrop($style)) { $style->transformDimensions($dimensions, $settings['uri']); $padding = round((($dimensions['height'] / $dimensions['width']) * 100), 2); $json['dimensions'][$width] = $padding; // Only set padding-bottom for the last breakpoint to avoid FOUC. if ($end['width'] == $breakpoint['width']) { $settings['padding_bottom'] = $padding; } } } } // If BG, provide [data-src-BREAKPOINT]. if (!empty($settings['background'])) { $sources[] = ['width' => (int) $width, 'src' => 'data-src-' . $key]; } } } // As of Blazy v1.6.0 applied to BG only. if ($sources) { $json['breakpoints'] = $sources; } // @todo: A more efficient way not to do this in the first place. // ATM, this is okay as this method is run once on the top-level container. if (isset($json['dimensions']) && (count($settings['breakpoints']) != count($json['dimensions']))) { unset($json['dimensions'], $settings['padding_bottom']); } // Supported modules can add blazy_data as [data-blazy] to the container. // This also informs individual images to not work with dimensions any more // if the image style contains 'crop'. if ($json) { $settings['blazy_data'] = $json; } // Identify that Blazy can be activated only by breakpoints. $settings['blazy'] = TRUE; } /** * Returns the enforced content, or image using theme_blazy(). * * @param array $build * The array containing: item, content, settings, or optional captions. * * @return array * The alterable and renderable array of enforced content, or theme_blazy(). */ public function getImage(array $build = []) { if (empty($build['item'])) { return []; } /** @var Drupal\image\Plugin\Field\FieldType\ImageItem $item */ $item = $build['item']; $settings = &$build['settings']; $settings['delta'] = isset($settings['delta']) ? $settings['delta'] : 0; $settings['image_style'] = isset($settings['image_style']) ? $settings['image_style'] : ''; if (empty($settings['uri'])) { $settings['uri'] = ($entity = $item->entity) && empty($item->uri) ? $entity->getFileUri() : $item->uri; } // Respects content not handled by theme_blazy(), but passed through. if (empty($build['content'])) { $image = [ '#theme' => isset($settings['theme_hook_image']) ? $settings['theme_hook_image'] : 'blazy', '#delta' => $settings['delta'], '#item' => [], '#image_style' => $settings['image_style'], '#build' => $build, '#pre_render' => [[$this, 'preRenderImage']], ]; } else { $image = $build['content']; } $this->getModuleHandler()->alter('blazy', $image, $settings); return $image; } /** * Builds the Blazy image as a structured array ready for ::renderer(). * * @param array $element * The pre-rendered element. * * @return array * The renderable array of pre-rendered element. */ public function preRenderImage(array $element) { $build = $element['#build']; $item = $build['item']; unset($element['#build']); $settings = $build['settings']; if (empty($item)) { return []; } // Extract field item attributes for the theme function, and unset them // from the $item so that the field template does not re-render them. $item_attributes = []; if (isset($item->_attributes)) { $item_attributes = $item->_attributes; unset($item->_attributes); } // Responsive image integration. $settings['responsive_image_style_id'] = ''; if (!empty($settings['resimage']) && !empty($settings['responsive_image_style'])) { $responsive_image_style = $this->entityLoad($settings['responsive_image_style'], 'responsive_image_style'); $settings['lazy'] = ''; if (!empty($responsive_image_style)) { $settings['responsive_image_style_id'] = $responsive_image_style->id(); if ($this->configLoad('responsive_image')) { $item_attributes['data-srcset'] = TRUE; $settings['lazy'] = 'responsive'; } $element['#cache']['tags'] = $this->getResponsiveImageCacheTags($responsive_image_style); } } else { if (!isset($settings['_no_cache'])) { $file_tags = isset($settings['file_tags']) ? $settings['file_tags'] : []; $settings['cache_tags'] = empty($settings['cache_tags']) ? $file_tags : Cache::mergeTags($settings['cache_tags'], $file_tags); $element['#cache']['max-age'] = -1; foreach (['contexts', 'keys', 'tags'] as $key) { if (!empty($settings['cache_' . $key])) { $element['#cache'][$key] = $settings['cache_' . $key]; } } } } $element['#item'] = $item; $element['#captions'] = empty($build['captions']) ? [] : ['inline' => $build['captions']]; $element['#item_attributes'] = $item_attributes; $element['#url'] = ''; $element['#settings'] = $settings; foreach (['caption', 'media', 'wrapper'] as $key) { if (!empty($settings[$key . '_attributes'])) { $element["#$key" . '_attributes'] = $settings[$key . '_attributes']; } } if (!empty($settings['media_switch']) && $settings['media_switch'] != 'media') { if ($settings['media_switch'] == 'content' && !empty($settings['content_url'])) { $element['#url'] = $settings['content_url']; } elseif (!empty($settings['lightbox'])) { BlazyLightbox::build($element); } } return $element; } /** * Returns the entity view, if available. * * @param object $entity * The entity being rendered. * @param array $settings * The settings containing view_mode. * @param string $fallback * The fallback content when all fails, probably just entity label. * * @return array|bool * The renderable array of the view builder, or false if not applicable. */ public function getEntityView($entity = NULL, array $settings = [], $fallback = '') { if ($entity instanceof EntityInterface) { $entity_type_id = $entity->getEntityTypeId(); $view_hook = $entity_type_id . '_view'; $view_mode = empty($settings['view_mode']) ? 'default' : $settings['view_mode']; $langcode = $entity->language()->getId(); // If module implements own {entity_type}_view. if (function_exists($view_hook)) { return $view_hook($entity, $view_mode, $langcode); } // If entity has view_builder handler. elseif ($this->getEntityTypeManager()->hasHandler($entity_type_id, 'view_builder')) { return $this->getEntityTypeManager()->getViewBuilder($entity_type_id)->view($entity, $view_mode, $langcode); } elseif ($fallback) { return ['#markup' => $fallback]; } } return FALSE; } /** * Returns the Responsive image cache tags. * * @param object $responsive * The responsive image style entity. * * @return array * The responsive image cache tags, or empty array. */ public function getResponsiveImageCacheTags($responsive = NULL) { $cache_tags = []; $image_styles_to_load = []; if ($responsive) { $cache_tags = Cache::mergeTags($cache_tags, $responsive->getCacheTags()); $image_styles_to_load = $responsive->getImageStyleIds(); } $image_styles = $this->entityLoadMultiple('image_style', $image_styles_to_load); foreach ($image_styles as $image_style) { $cache_tags = Cache::mergeTags($cache_tags, $image_style->getCacheTags()); } return $cache_tags; } }