0, 'current_view_mode' => '', 'optionset' => 'default', 'skin' => '', 'style' => '', ]; } /** * Returns image-related field formatter and Views settings. */ public static function baseImageSettings() { return [ 'background' => FALSE, 'box_caption' => '', 'box_caption_custom' => '', 'box_style' => '', 'box_media_style' => '', 'breakpoints' => [], 'caption' => [], 'image_style' => '', 'media_switch' => '', 'ratio' => '', 'responsive_image_style' => '', 'sizes' => '', ]; } /** * Returns image-related field formatter and Views settings. */ public static function imageSettings() { return [ 'iframe_lazy' => TRUE, 'icon' => '', 'layout' => '', 'thumbnail_style' => '', 'view_mode' => '', ] + self::baseSettings() + self::baseImageSettings(); } /** * Returns Views specific settings. */ public static function viewsSettings() { return [ 'class' => '', 'id' => '', 'image' => '', 'link' => '', 'overlay' => '', 'title' => '', 'vanilla' => FALSE, ]; } /** * Returns fieldable entity formatter and Views settings. */ public static function extendedSettings() { return self::viewsSettings() + self::imageSettings(); } /** * Returns optional grid field formatter and Views settings. */ public static function gridSettings() { return [ 'grid' => 0, 'grid_header' => '', 'grid_medium' => 0, 'grid_small' => 0, 'style' => '', ]; } /** * Returns sensible default options common for entities lacking of UI. */ public static function entitySettings() { return [ 'blazy' => TRUE, 'iframe_lazy' => TRUE, 'lazy' => 'blazy', 'media_switch' => 'media', 'ratio' => 'fluid', 'rendered' => FALSE, 'view_mode' => 'default', '_detached' => TRUE, ]; } }