getPluginDefinition(); $data_type = $plugin_definition['data_type']; $context_definition = new ContextDefinition($data_type, $plugin_definition['label']); $context_value = NULL; // If the 'base' context has a value, then get the property value to put on // the context (otherwise, mapping hasn't occurred yet and we just want to // return the context with the right definition and no value). if ($this->getContext('base')->hasContextValue()) { $data = $this->getData($this->getContext('base')); $property = $this->getMainPropertyName($data); $context_value = $data->get($property)->getValue(); } $context_definition->setDefaultValue($context_value); return new Context($context_definition, $context_value); } public function getName() { return $this->getPluginDefinition()['property_name']; } protected function getData(ContextInterface $context) { /** @var \Drupal\Core\TypedData\ComplexDataInterface $base */ $base = $context->getContextValue(); $name = $this->getPluginDefinition()['property_name']; $data = $base->get($name); // @todo add configuration to get N instead of first. if ($data instanceof ListInterface) { $data = $data->first(); } if ($data instanceof DataReferenceInterface) { $data = $data->getTarget(); } return $data; } protected function getMainPropertyName(FieldItemInterface $data) { return $data->getFieldDefinition()->getFieldStorageDefinition()->getMainPropertyName(); } public function getRelationshipValue() { $property = $this->getMainPropertyName(); /** @var \Drupal\Core\TypedData\ComplexDataInterface $data */ $data = $this->getRelationship()->getContextData(); $data->get($property)->getValue(); } }