TRUE, '#tree' => TRUE, '#cardinality' => static::CARDINALITY_UNLIMITED, '#selection_mode' => static::SELECTION_MODE_APPEND, '#process' => [[$class, 'processEntityBrowser']], '#default_value' => [], '#entity_browser_validators' => [], '#widget_context' => [], '#attached' => ['library' => ['entity_browser/common']], ]; } /** * Get selection mode options. * * @return array * Selection mode options. */ public static function getSelectionModeOptions() { return [ static::SELECTION_MODE_APPEND => t('Append to selection'), static::SELECTION_MODE_PREPEND => t('Prepend selection'), static::SELECTION_MODE_EDIT => t('Edit selection'), ]; } /** * Check whether entity browser should be available for selection of entities. * * @param string $selection_mode * Used selection mode. * @param int $cardinality * Used cardinality. * @param int $preselection_size * Preseletion size, if it's available. * * @return bool * Returns positive if entity browser can be used. */ public static function isEntityBrowserAvailable($selection_mode, $cardinality, $preselection_size) { if ($selection_mode == static::SELECTION_MODE_EDIT) { return TRUE; } $cardinality_exceeded = $cardinality != static::CARDINALITY_UNLIMITED && $preselection_size >= $cardinality; return !$cardinality_exceeded; } /** * Render API callback: Processes the entity browser element. */ public static function processEntityBrowser(&$element, FormStateInterface $form_state, &$complete_form) { /** @var \Drupal\entity_browser\EntityBrowserInterface $entity_browser */ if (is_string($element['#entity_browser'])) { $entity_browser = EntityBrowser::load($element['#entity_browser']); } else { $entity_browser = $element['#entity_browser']; } // Propagate selection if edit selection mode is used. $entity_browser_preselected_entities = []; if ($element['#selection_mode'] === static::SELECTION_MODE_EDIT) { $entity_browser->getSelectionDisplay()->checkPreselectionSupport(); $entity_browser_preselected_entities = $element['#default_value']; } $default_value = implode(' ', array_map( function (EntityInterface $item) { return $item->getEntityTypeId() . ':' . $item->id(); }, $entity_browser_preselected_entities )); $validators = array_merge( $element['#entity_browser_validators'], ['cardinality' => ['cardinality' => $element['#cardinality']]] ); // Display error message if the entity browser was not found. if (!$entity_browser) { $element['entity_browser'] = [ '#type' => 'markup', '#markup' => is_string($element['#entity_browser']) ? t('Entity browser @browser not found.', ['@browser' => $element['#entity_browser']]) : t('Entity browser not found.'), ]; } // Display entity_browser else { $display = $entity_browser->getDisplay(); $display->setUuid(sha1(implode('-', array_merge([$complete_form['#build_id']], $element['#parents'])))); $element['entity_browser'] = [ '#eb_parents' => array_merge($element['#parents'], ['entity_browser']), ]; $element['entity_browser'] = $display->displayEntityBrowser( $element['entity_browser'], $form_state, $complete_form, [ 'validators' => $validators, 'selected_entities' => $entity_browser_preselected_entities, 'widget_context' => $element['#widget_context'], ] ); $hidden_id = Html::getUniqueId($element['#id'] . '-target'); $element['entity_ids'] = [ '#type' => 'hidden', '#id' => $hidden_id, // We need to repeat ID here as it is otherwise skipped when rendering. '#attributes' => ['id' => $hidden_id, 'class' => ['eb-target']], '#default_value' => $default_value, ]; $element['#attached']['drupalSettings']['entity_browser'] = [ $entity_browser->getDisplay()->getUuid() => [ 'cardinality' => $element['#cardinality'], 'selection_mode' => $element['#selection_mode'], 'selector' => '#' . $hidden_id, ], ]; } return $element; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public static function valueCallback(&$element, $input, FormStateInterface $form_state) { if ($input === FALSE) { return $element['#default_value'] ?: []; } $entities = []; if ($input['entity_ids']) { $entities = static::processEntityIds($input['entity_ids']); } return ['entities' => $entities]; } /** * Processes entity IDs and gets array of loaded entities. * * @param array|string $ids * Processes entity IDs as they are returned from the entity browser. They * are in [entity_type_id]:[entity_id] form. Array of IDs or a * space-delimited string is supported. * * @return \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface[] * Array of entity objects. */ public static function processEntityIds($ids) { if (!is_array($ids)) { $ids = array_filter(explode(' ', $ids)); } return array_map( function ($item) { list($entity_type, $entity_id) = explode(':', $item); return \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage($entity_type)->load($entity_id); }, $ids ); } /** * Processes entity IDs and gets array of loaded entities. * * @param string $id * Processes entity ID as it is returned from the entity browser. ID should * be in [entity_type_id]:[entity_id] form. * * @return \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface * Entity object. */ public static function processEntityId($id) { $return = static::processEntityIds([$id]); return current($return); } }