The name of the project. * 'giturl' => The upstream URL of the project. * 'branch' => The development branch the snapshot was taken from. * 'timestamp' => When the project was originally downloaded. */ function download_link() { $info = array(); $project = &$this->project->project_info; // Get the branch we're on. $release = strtok($project['existing_version'],'-') . '-' . $project['existing_major'] . '.x-dev'; $branch = $project['releases'][$release]['tag']; // Assign some information depending on the project type. if ($project['project_type'] == 'core') { // Special handling for core. $info['module'] = 'drupal'; } else { // Contrib. $info['module'] = $project['name']; } // Assign all of the other information. $info['giturl'] = '' . $project['name'] . '.git'; $info['branch'] = $branch; $info['timestamp'] = $project['datestamp']; // Return it. return $info; } /** * Download the version of the project to compare. * * @return boolean * TRUE if the download was successful; FALSE otherwise. */ function download() { // Get detailed information about the download. $destination = $this->get_destination(); $info = $this->download_link(); $giturl = $info['giturl']; $branch = $info['branch']; $module = $info['module']; $timestamp = $info['timestamp']; // Return the path if the project version has already been downloaded to // the cache. if (file_exists($destination)) { return $destination; } // Clone the project repository and check out the appropriate branch. try { $this->git_clone($giturl, $destination, $branch); } catch (Exception $e) { \Drupal::logger('hacked')->error($e->getMessage()->render()); return FALSE; } // Attempt to checkout the last commit before timestamp on the local version. try { $this->git_checkout($destination, $branch, $timestamp); } catch (Exception $e) { \Drupal::logger('hacked')->error($e->getMessage()->render()); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /** * Clones a git repository in a temporary directory. * * @param $giturl * URL of the project. * @param $path * The location in which to place the checkout. * @param $branch * The branch to check out. * @throws Exception on failure. */ function git_clone($giturl, $path, $branch) { // Get the Git command and location information. $git_cmd = $this->git_get_command(); $dirname = dirname($path); $basename = basename($path); // Prepare the download location. file_prepare_directory($dirname, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY); file_prepare_directory($path, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY); // Perform the clone operation, and leave us in the appropriate branch. exec("cd $dirname; $git_cmd clone --branch $branch $giturl $basename", $output_lines, $return_value); // Throw an exception if it didn't work. if ($return_value != 0) { throw new Exception($this->t('Could not clone project %project into path %path at branch %branch.', [ '%project' => $this->project->title(), '%path' => $path, '%branch' => $branch, ])); } } /** * Checks out the last Git commit prior to the project's timestamp. * * @param $path * The path of the Git repository where the checkout should happen. * @param $branch * The desired branch within the repository containing the commit. * @param $timestamp * The UNIX timestamp for the downloaded project. * @throws Exception on failure. */ function git_checkout($path, $branch, $timestamp) { // Fetch the Git command. $git_cmd = $this->git_get_command(); // Point the working tree at the commit just before the timestamp. // This takes us to the point in time when the local project was downloaded. exec("cd $path; $git_cmd checkout $($git_cmd rev-list -n 1 --before='$timestamp' $branch)", $output_lines, $return_value); // Throw an exception if it didn't work. if ($return_value != 0) { throw new Exception(t('Could not check out latest commit before %timestamp in Git repository %repository.', [ '%timestamp' => $timestamp, '%repository' => $path, ])); } } /** * Helper function to return the command to run git on the command line. * * @return string * The command with which to run Git. */ function git_get_command() { $command = \Drupal::config('hacked.settings')->get('git_cmd'); return is_null($command) ? 'git' : $command; } /** * Returns the final destination of the unpacked project. * * @return string * The unpacked project's path. */ function get_final_destination() { // Simply return the original destination as Git's cloning already provides // an unpacked project. return $this->get_destination(); } }