user = $this->createUser([ 'create ief_simple_single content', 'create ief_test_custom content', 'edit any ief_simple_single content', 'edit own ief_test_custom content', 'view own unpublished content', 'create ief_simple_entity_no_bundle content', 'administer entity_test__without_bundle content', ]); } /** * Tests simple IEF widget with different cardinality options. * * @throws \Exception */ protected function testSimpleCardinalityOptions() { $this->drupalLogin($this->user); $cardinality_options = [ 1 => 1, 2 => 2, FieldStorageDefinitionInterface::CARDINALITY_UNLIMITED => 3, ]; /** @var \Drupal\field\FieldStorageConfigInterface $field_storage */ $field_storage = $this->fieldStorageConfigStorage->load('node.single'); foreach ($cardinality_options as $cardinality => $limit) { $field_storage->setCardinality($cardinality); $field_storage->save(); $this->drupalGet('node/add/ief_simple_single'); $this->assertText('Single node', 'Inline entity field widget title found.'); $this->assertText('Reference a single node.', 'Inline entity field description found.'); $add_more_xpath = '//input[@data-drupal-selector="edit-single-add-more"]'; if ($cardinality == FieldStorageDefinitionInterface::CARDINALITY_UNLIMITED) { $this->assertFieldByXPath($add_more_xpath, NULL, 'Add more button exists'); } else { $this->assertNoFieldByXPath($add_more_xpath, NULL, 'Add more button does NOT exist'); } $host_title = 'Host node cardinality: ' . $cardinality; $edit = ['title[0][value]' => $host_title]; for ($item_number = 0; $item_number < $limit; $item_number++) { $edit["single[$item_number][inline_entity_form][title][0][value]"] = 'Child node nr.' . $item_number; if ($cardinality == FieldStorageDefinitionInterface::CARDINALITY_UNLIMITED) { $next_item_number = $item_number + 1; $this->assertNoFieldByName("single[$next_item_number][inline_entity_form][title][0][value]", NULL, "Item $next_item_number does not appear before 'Add More' clicked"); if ($item_number < $limit - 1) { $this->drupalPostAjaxForm(NULL, $edit, 'single_add_more'); $this->assertFieldByName("single[$next_item_number][inline_entity_form][title][0][value]", NULL, "Item $next_item_number does appear after 'Add More' clicked"); // Make sure only 1 item is added. $unexpected_item_number = $next_item_number + 1; $this->assertNoFieldByName("single[$unexpected_item_number][inline_entity_form][title][0][value]", NULL, "Extra Item $unexpected_item_number is not added after 'Add More' clicked"); } } } $this->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, t('Save')); for ($item_number = 0; $item_number < $limit; $item_number++) { $this->assertText('Child node nr.' . $item_number, 'Label of referenced entity found.'); } $host_node = $this->getNodeByTitle($host_title); $this->checkEditAccess($host_node, $limit, $cardinality); } } /** * Test Validation on Simple Widget. * * @throws \Exception */ protected function testSimpleValidation() { $this->drupalLogin($this->user); $host_node_title = 'Host Validation Node'; $this->drupalGet('node/add/ief_simple_single'); $this->assertText('Single node', 'Inline entity field widget title found.'); $this->assertText('Reference a single node.', 'Inline entity field description found.'); $this->assertText('Positive int', 'Positive int field found.'); $edit = ['title[0][value]' => $host_node_title]; $this->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, t('Save')); $this->assertText('Title field is required.', 'Title validation fires on Inline Entity Form widget.'); $this->assertUrl('node/add/ief_simple_single', [], 'On add page after validation error.'); $child_title = 'Child node ' . $this->randomString(); $edit['single[0][inline_entity_form][title][0][value]'] = $child_title; $edit['single[0][inline_entity_form][positive_int][0][value]'] = -1; $this->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, t('Save')); $this->assertNoText('Title field is required.', 'Title validation passes on Inline Entity Form widget.'); $this->assertText('Positive int must be higher than or equal to 1', 'Field validation fires on Inline Entity Form widget.'); $this->assertUrl('node/add/ief_simple_single', [], 'On add page after validation error.'); $edit['single[0][inline_entity_form][positive_int][0][value]'] = 1; $this->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, t('Save')); $this->assertNoText('Title field is required.', 'Title validation passes on Inline Entity Form widget.'); $this->assertNoText('Positive int must be higher than or equal to 1', 'Field validation fires on Inline Entity Form widget.'); // Check that nodes were created correctly. $host_node = $this->getNodeByTitle($host_node_title); if ($this->assertNotNull($host_node, 'Host node created.')) { $this->assertUrl('node/' . $host_node->id(), [], 'On node view page after node add.'); $child_node = $this->getNodeByTitle($child_title); if ($this->assertNotNull($child_node)) { $this->assertEqual($host_node->single[0]->target_id, $child_node->id(), 'Child node is referenced'); $this->assertEqual($child_node->positive_int[0]->value,1, 'Child node int field correct.'); $this->assertEqual($child_node->bundle(),'ief_test_custom', 'Child node is correct bundle.'); } } } /** * Tests if the entity create access works in simple widget. */ public function testSimpleCreateAccess() { // Create a user who does not have access to create ief_test_custom nodes. $this->user = $this->createUser([ 'create ief_simple_single content', ]); $this->drupalLogin($this->user); $this->drupalGet('node/add/ief_simple_single'); $this->assertNoFieldByName('single[0][inline_entity_form][title][0][value]', NULL); } /** * Tests that user only has access to the their own nodes. * * @param \Drupal\node\Entity\Node $host_node * The node of the type of ief_simple_single * @param int $child_count * The number of entity reference values in the "single" field. */ protected function checkEditAccess(NodeInterface $host_node, $child_count, $cardinality) { $other_user = $this->createUser([ 'edit own ief_test_custom content', 'edit any ief_simple_single content', ]); /** @var \Drupal\node\Entity\Node $first_child_node */ $first_child_node = $host_node->single[0]->entity; $first_child_node->setOwner($other_user); $first_child_node->save(); $this->drupalGet("node/{$host_node->id()}/edit"); $this->assertText($first_child_node->label()); $this->assertNoFieldByName('single[0][inline_entity_form][title][0][value]', NULL, 'Form of child node with no edit access is not found.'); // Check that the forms for other child nodes(if any) appear on the form. $delta = 1; while ($delta < $child_count) { /** @var \Drupal\node\Entity\Node $child_node */ $child_node = $host_node->single[$delta]->entity; $this->assertFieldByName("single[$delta][inline_entity_form][title][0][value]", $child_node->label(), 'Form of child node with edit access is found.'); $delta++; } // Check that there is NOT an extra "add" form when editing. $unexpected_item_number = $child_count; $this->assertNoFieldByName("single[$unexpected_item_number][inline_entity_form][title][0][value]", NULL, 'No empty "add" entity form is found on edit.'); if ($cardinality == FieldStorageDefinitionInterface::CARDINALITY_UNLIMITED) { $next_item_number = $child_count; $this->drupalPostAjaxForm(NULL, [], 'single_add_more'); $this->assertFieldByName("single[$next_item_number][inline_entity_form][title][0][value]", NULL, "Item $next_item_number does appear after 'Add More' clicked"); // Make sure only 1 item is added. $unexpected_item_number = $next_item_number + 1; $this->assertNoFieldByName("single[$unexpected_item_number][inline_entity_form][title][0][value]", NULL, "Extra Item $unexpected_item_number is not added after 'Add More' clicked"); } // Now that we have confirmed the correct fields appear, lets update the // values and save them. We do not have access to form for delta 0 because // it is owned by another user. $delta = 1; $new_titles = []; $edit = []; // Loop through an update all child node titles. while ($delta < $child_count) { /** @var \Drupal\node\Entity\Node $child_node */ $child_node = $host_node->single[$delta]->entity; $new_titles[$delta] = $child_node->label() . ' - updated'; $edit["single[$delta][inline_entity_form][title][0][value]"] = $new_titles[$delta]; $delta++; } // If CARDINALITY_UNLIMITED then we should have 1 extra form open. if ($cardinality == FieldStorageDefinitionInterface::CARDINALITY_UNLIMITED) { $new_titles[$delta] = 'Title for new child'; $edit["single[$delta][inline_entity_form][title][0][value]"] = $new_titles[$delta]; } $this->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, t('Save')); $this->assertText("IEF single simple {$host_node->label()} has been updated."); // Reset cache for nodes. $node_ids = [$host_node->id()]; foreach ($host_node->single as $item) { $node_ids[] = $item->entity->id(); } $this->nodeStorage->resetCache($node_ids); $host_node = $this->nodeStorage->load($host_node->id()); // Check that titles were updated. foreach ($new_titles as $delta => $new_title) { $child_node = $host_node->single[$delta]->entity; $this->assertEqual($child_node->label(), $new_title, "Child $delta node title updated"); } } /** * Ensures that an entity without bundles can be used with the simple widget. */ public function testEntityWithoutBundle() { $this->drupalLogin($this->user); $edit = [ 'title[0][value]' => 'Node title', 'field_ief_entity_no_bundle[0][inline_entity_form][name][0][value]' => 'Entity title', ]; $this->drupalPostForm('node/add/ief_simple_entity_no_bundle', $edit, 'Save'); $this->assertNodeByTitle('Node title', 'ief_simple_entity_no_bundle'); $this->assertEntityByLabel('Entity title', 'entity_test__without_bundle'); } }