# Configuration schema for the Libraries API module. # Base configuration schema libraries.settings: type: config_object label: 'Libraries API settings' mapping: definition: type: mapping label: 'Library definition settings' mapping: local: type: mapping label: 'Local' mapping: path: type: path label: 'Local path' remote: type: mapping title: 'Remote' mapping: enable: type: boolean label: 'Enable remote fetching of library definitions' urls: type: sequence label: 'A list of remote library registry URLs' sequence: type: uri label: 'The URL of a remote library registry' global_locators: type: sequence title: 'Global library locators' sequence: type: mapping title: 'Global locator plugins' mapping: id: type: string title: 'The locator plugin id' configuration: type: libraries.locator.[%parent.id] title: 'The plugin configuration' # Dynamic locator plugin schema libraries.locator.uri: type: mapping label: 'URI locator configuration' mapping: uri: type: uri label: 'The locator URI'