settings = $settings; $this->hashAlgorithm = $this->settings->get('key_hash_algorithm', 'sha1'); $this->prefix = $this->settings->get('key_prefix', ''); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function get($key) { $full_key = $this->key($key); $track_errors = ini_set('track_errors', '1'); $php_errormsg = ''; $result = @$this->memcache->get($full_key); if (!empty($php_errormsg)) { register_shutdown_function('memcache_log_warning', LogLevel::WARNING, 'Exception caught in DrupalMemcacheBase::get: !msg', array('!msg' => $php_errormsg)); $php_errormsg = ''; } ini_set('track_errors', $track_errors); return $result; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function key($key) { $full_key = urlencode($this->prefix . '-' . $key); // Memcache only supports key lengths up to 250 bytes. If we have generated // a longer key, we shrink it to an acceptable length with a configurable // hashing algorithm. Sha1 was selected as the default as it performs // quickly with minimal collisions. if (strlen($full_key) > 250) { $full_key = urlencode(hash($this->hashAlgorithm, $key)); } return $full_key; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function delete($key) { $full_key = $this->key($key); return $this->memcache->delete($full_key, 0); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function flush() { $this->memcache->flush(); } }