description: Generate a meta tag group. help: The generate:plugin:metatag:group command helps generate a new metatag group for use with the Metatag module. welcome: Welcome to the Metatag group generator options: label: The user-friendly name for this meta tag group. description: A long explanation of this meta tag group. plugin_id: Internal (machine) name for the meta tag group. class_name: Internal camel-case version of the meta tag group's name. weight: The sort order for this meta tag group. questions: base_class: Enter the base class to use class_name: Enter the class name for the meta tag group class module: common.questions.module weight: Enter the sort order for the meta tag group label: Enter the label for the meta tag group description: Enter a longer explanation of what the meta tag group is and how to use it plugin_id: Enter the internal (machine) name for the meta tag group plugin