viewStorage = $viewStorage; $this->metatagManager = $metatagManager; // Generate the labels for views and displays. $this->labels = $this->getViewsAndDisplaysLabels(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public static function create(ContainerInterface $container) { return new static( $container->get('entity_type.manager')->getStorage('view'), $container->get('metatag.manager') ); } /** * Get meta tags for all of the views / displays that have them set. * * @return array * List of tags grouped by view and display. */ public static function getTaggedViews() { $tagged_views = []; foreach (Views::getEnabledViews() as $view_id => $view) { $displays = $view->get('display'); foreach (array_keys($displays) as $display_id) { if ($tags = metatag_get_view_tags($view_id, $display_id)) { $tagged_views[$view_id][$display_id] = $tags; } } } return $tagged_views; } /** * Generates the renderable array for views meta tags UI. * * @return array * The list of details. */ public function listViews() { $elements = []; $elements['header'] = [ '#markup' => '

' . $this->t("To view a list of displays with meta tags set up, click on a view name. To view a summary of meta tags configuration for a particular display, click on the display name. If you need to set meta tags for a specific view, choose Add views meta tags. Reverting the meta tags removes the specific configuration and falls back to defaults.") . '

', ]; // Iterate over the values and build the whole UI. // 1. Top level is a collapsible fieldset with a view name (details) // 2. Inside each fieldset we have 2 columns -> Display and Operations. // Display contains point 3. // Operations contain edit and revert. // 3. In each display there is a table that has 2 columns: tag name and tag // value. $tagged_views = $this->getTaggedViews(); foreach ($tagged_views as $view_id => $displays) { $elements[$view_id] = [ '#type' => 'details', '#title' => $this->t($this->viewLabels[$view_id]['#label']), 'details' => $this->buildViewDetails($view_id, $displays), ]; } return $elements; } /** * Builds the second "level" of the UI table with display fieldset and ops. * * @param string $view_id * The view display to use. * @param array $displays * The displays to process. * * @return array * Render array. */ protected function buildViewDetails($view_id, array $displays) { $element = [ '#type' => 'table', '#collapsible' => TRUE, '#header' => [ $this->t('Display'), $this->t('Operations'), ], ]; foreach ($displays as $display_id => $metatags) { $metatags = array_filter($metatags); $element[$display_id]['details'] = [ '#type' => 'details', '#title' => $this->viewLabels[$view_id][$display_id], ]; $params = [ 'view_id' => $view_id, 'display_id' => $display_id, ]; // Generate the operations. $element[$display_id]['ops'] = [ '#type' => 'operations', '#links' => [ 'edit' => [ 'title' => $this->t('Edit'), 'url' => Url::fromRoute('metatag_views.metatags.edit', $params), ], 'translate' => [ 'title' => $this->t('Translate'), 'url' => Url::fromRoute('metatag_views.metatags.translate_overview', $params), ], 'revert' => [ 'title' => $this->t('Revert'), 'url' => Url::fromRoute('metatag_views.metatags.revert', $params), ], ], ]; // Build the rows for each of the metatag types. $element[$display_id]['details']['table'] = $this->buildDisplayDetailsTable($metatags); } return $element; } /** * Build the table with metatag values summary. * * @param array $tags * The tags to process. * * @return array * The tag structure in a display element. */ protected function buildDisplayDetailsTable(array $tags) { $element = [ '#type' => 'table', ]; $i = 0; foreach ($tags as $tag_name => $tag_value) { // This is for the case where we have a subarray. $tag_value = $this->prepareTagValue($tag_value); if (!$tag_value) { continue; } $element[$i]['tag_name'] = [ '#type' => 'markup', '#markup' => $tag_name, ]; $element[$i]['tag_value'] = [ '#type' => 'markup', '#markup' => $tag_value, ]; $i++; } return $element; } /** * Massage the tag value. * * @param string $value * The meta tag to output. * * @return string * An imploded string for meta tags that are nested, ex. robots. */ protected function prepareTagValue($value) { if (is_array($value)) { $value = implode(', ', array_filter($value)); } return $value; } /** * Gets label values for the views and their displays. */ protected function getViewsAndDisplaysLabels() { /** @var \Drupal\views\ViewEntityInterface[] $views */ $views = $this->viewStorage->loadByProperties(['status' => 1]); $labels = []; foreach ($views as $view_id => $view) { $displays = $view->get('display'); $labels[$view_id]['#label'] = $view->label(); foreach (array_keys($displays) as $display_id) { $labels[$view_id][$display_id] = $displays[$display_id]['display_title']; } } $this->viewLabels = $labels; } }