groupPluginManager = $groupPluginManager; $this->tagPluginManager = $tagPluginManager; $this->tokenService = $token; $this->logger = $channelFactory->get('metatag'); $this->metatagDefaults = $entityTypeManager->getStorage('metatag_defaults'); } /** * Returns the list of protected defaults. * * @return array * Th protected defaults. */ public static function protectedDefaults() { return [ 'global', '403', '404', 'node', 'front', 'taxonomy_term', 'user', ]; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function tagsFromEntity(ContentEntityInterface $entity) { $tags = []; $fields = $this->getFields($entity); /* @var \Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig $field_info */ foreach ($fields as $field_name => $field_info) { // Get the tags from this field. $tags = $this->getFieldTags($entity, $field_name); } return $tags; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function tagsFromEntityWithDefaults(ContentEntityInterface $entity) { return $this->tagsFromEntity($entity) + $this->defaultTagsFromEntity($entity); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function defaultTagsFromEntity(ContentEntityInterface $entity) { /** @var \Drupal\metatag\Entity\MetatagDefaults $metatags */ $metatags = $this->metatagDefaults->load('global'); if (!$metatags) { return NULL; } // Add/overwrite with tags set on the entity type. $entity_type_tags = $this->metatagDefaults->load($entity->getEntityTypeId()); if (!is_null($entity_type_tags)) { $metatags->overwriteTags($entity_type_tags->get('tags')); } // Add/overwrite with tags set on the entity bundle. $bundle_metatags = $this->metatagDefaults->load($entity->getEntityTypeId() . '__' . $entity->bundle()); if (!is_null($bundle_metatags)) { $metatags->overwriteTags($bundle_metatags->get('tags')); } return $metatags->get('tags'); } /** * Gets the group plugin definitions. * * @return array * Group definitions. */ protected function groupDefinitions() { return $this->groupPluginManager->getDefinitions(); } /** * Gets the tag plugin definitions. * * @return array * Tag definitions */ protected function tagDefinitions() { return $this->tagPluginManager->getDefinitions(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function sortedGroups() { $metatag_groups = $this->groupDefinitions(); // Pull the data from the definitions into a new array. $groups = []; foreach ($metatag_groups as $group_name => $group_info) { $groups[$group_name]['id'] = $group_info['id']; $groups[$group_name]['label'] = $group_info['label']->render(); $groups[$group_name]['description'] = $group_info['description']; $groups[$group_name]['weight'] = $group_info['weight']; } // Create the 'sort by' array. $sort_by = []; foreach ($groups as $group) { $sort_by[] = $group['weight']; } // Sort the groups by weight. array_multisort($sort_by, SORT_ASC, $groups); return $groups; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function sortedTags() { $metatag_tags = $this->tagDefinitions(); // Pull the data from the definitions into a new array. $tags = []; foreach ($metatag_tags as $tag_name => $tag_info) { $tags[$tag_name]['id'] = $tag_info['id']; $tags[$tag_name]['label'] = $tag_info['label']->render(); $tags[$tag_name]['group'] = $tag_info['group']; $tags[$tag_name]['weight'] = $tag_info['weight']; } // Create the 'sort by' array. $sort_by = []; foreach ($tags as $key => $tag) { $sort_by['group'][$key] = $tag['group']; $sort_by['weight'][$key] = $tag['weight']; } // Sort the tags by weight. array_multisort($sort_by['group'], SORT_ASC, $sort_by['weight'], SORT_ASC, $tags); return $tags; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function sortedGroupsWithTags() { $groups = $this->sortedGroups(); $tags = $this->sortedTags(); foreach ($tags as $tag_name => $tag) { $tag_group = $tag['group']; if (!isset($groups[$tag_group])) { // If the tag is claiming a group that has no matching plugin, log an // error and force it to the basic group. $this->logger->error("Undefined group '%group' on tag '%tag'", ['%group' => $tag_group, '%tag' => $tag_name]); $tag['group'] = 'basic'; $tag_group = 'basic'; } $groups[$tag_group]['tags'][$tag_name] = $tag; } return $groups; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function form(array $values, array $element, array $token_types = [], array $included_groups = NULL, array $included_tags = NULL) { // Add the outer fieldset. $element += [ '#type' => 'details', ]; $element += $this->tokenService->tokenBrowser($token_types); $groups_and_tags = $this->sortedGroupsWithTags(); $first = TRUE; foreach ($groups_and_tags as $group_name => $group) { // Only act on groups that have tags and are in the list of included // groups (unless that list is null). if (isset($group['tags']) && (is_null($included_groups) || in_array($group_name, $included_groups) || in_array($group['id'], $included_groups))) { // Create the fieldset. $element[$group_name]['#type'] = 'details'; $element[$group_name]['#title'] = $group['label']; $element[$group_name]['#description'] = $group['description']; $element[$group_name]['#open'] = $first; $first = FALSE; foreach ($group['tags'] as $tag_name => $tag) { // Only act on tags in the included tags list, unless that is null. if (is_null($included_tags) || in_array($tag_name, $included_tags) || in_array($tag['id'], $included_tags)) { // Make an instance of the tag. $tag = $this->tagPluginManager->createInstance($tag_name); // Set the value to the stored value, if any. $tag_value = isset($values[$tag_name]) ? $values[$tag_name] : NULL; $tag->setValue($tag_value); // Create the bit of form for this tag. $element[$group_name][$tag_name] = $tag->form($element); } } } } return $element; } /** * Returns a list of the metatag fields on an entity. */ protected function getFields(ContentEntityInterface $entity) { $field_list = []; if ($entity instanceof ContentEntityInterface) { // Get a list of the metatag field types. $field_types = $this->fieldTypes(); // Get a list of the field definitions on this entity. $definitions = $entity->getFieldDefinitions(); // Iterate through all the fields looking for ones in our list. foreach ($definitions as $field_name => $definition) { // Get the field type, ie: metatag. $field_type = $definition->getType(); // Check the field type against our list of fields. if (isset($field_type) && in_array($field_type, $field_types)) { $field_list[$field_name] = $definition; } } } return $field_list; } /** * Returns a list of the meta tags with values from a field. * * @param Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityInterface $entity * The ContentEntityInterface object. * @param string $field_name * The name of the field to work on. */ protected function getFieldTags(ContentEntityInterface $entity, $field_name) { $tags = []; foreach ($entity->{$field_name} as $item) { // Get serialized value and break it into an array of tags with values. $serialized_value = $item->get('value')->getValue(); if (!empty($serialized_value)) { $tags += unserialize($serialized_value); } } return $tags; } /** * * * @param Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityInterface $entity * The entity to work on. */ public function getDefaultMetatags(ContentEntityInterface $entity = NULL) { // Get general global metatags. $metatags = $this->getGlobalMetatags(); // If that is empty something went wrong. if (!$metatags) { return; } // Check if this is a special page. $special_metatags = $this->getSpecialMetatags(); // Merge with all globals defaults. if ($special_metatags) { $metatags->set('tags', array_merge($metatags->get('tags'), $special_metatags->get('tags'))); } // Next check if there is this page is an entity that has meta tags. // @todo Think about using other defaults, e.g. views. Maybe use plugins? else { if (is_null($entity)) { $entity = metatag_get_route_entity(); } if (!empty($entity)) { // Get default meta tags for a given entity. $entity_defaults = $this->getEntityDefaultMetatags($entity); if ($entity_defaults != NULL) { $metatags->set('tags', array_merge($metatags->get('tags'), $entity_defaults)); } } } return $metatags->get('tags'); } /** * * * @return array * The global meta tags. */ public function getGlobalMetatags() { return $this->metatagDefaults->load('global'); } /** * * * @return array * The defaults for this page, if it's a special page. */ public function getSpecialMetatags() { $metatags = NULL; if (\Drupal::service('path.matcher')->isFrontPage()) { $metatags = $this->metatagDefaults->load('front'); } elseif (\Drupal::service('current_route_match')->getRouteName() == 'system.403') { $metatags = $this->metatagDefaults->load('403'); } elseif (\Drupal::service('current_route_match')->getRouteName() == 'system.404') { $metatags = $this->metatagDefaults->load('404'); } return $metatags; } /** * * * @param Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityInterface $entity * The entity to work with. * * @return array * The appropriate default meta tags. */ public function getEntityDefaultMetatags(ContentEntityInterface $entity) { $entity_metatags = $this->metatagDefaults->load($entity->getEntityTypeId()); $metatags = []; if ($entity_metatags != NULL) { // Merge with global defaults. $metatags = array_merge($metatags, $entity_metatags->get('tags')); } // Finally, check if we should apply bundle overrides. $bundle_metatags = $this->metatagDefaults->load($entity->getEntityTypeId() . '__' . $entity->bundle()); if ($bundle_metatags != NULL) { // Merge with existing defaults. $metatags = array_merge($metatags, $bundle_metatags->get('tags')); } return $metatags; } /** * Generate the elements that go in the hook_page_attachments attached array. * * @param array $tags * The array of tags as plugin_id => value. * @param object $entity * Optional entity object to use for token replacements. * * @return array * Render array with tag elements. */ public function generateElements(array $tags, $entity = NULL) { $elements = []; $tags = $this->generateRawElements($tags, $entity); foreach ($tags as $name => $tag) { if (!empty($tag)) { $elements['#attached']['html_head'][] = [ $tag, $name, ]; } } return $elements; } /** * Generate the actual meta tag values. * * @param array $tags * The array of tags as plugin_id => value. * @param object $entity * Optional entity object to use for token replacements. * * @return array * Render array with tag elements. */ public function generateRawElements(array $tags, $entity = NULL) { $rawTags = []; $metatag_tags = $this->tagPluginManager->getDefinitions(); // Order the elements by weight first, as some systems like Facebook care. uksort($tags, function ($tag_name_a, $tag_name_b) use ($metatag_tags) { $weight_a = isset($metatag_tags[$tag_name_a]['weight']) ? $metatag_tags[$tag_name_a]['weight'] : 0; $weight_b = isset($metatag_tags[$tag_name_b]['weight']) ? $metatag_tags[$tag_name_b]['weight'] : 0; return ($weight_a < $weight_b) ? -1 : 1; }); // Each element of the $values array is a tag with the tag plugin name as // the key. foreach ($tags as $tag_name => $value) { // Check to ensure there is a matching plugin. if (isset($metatag_tags[$tag_name])) { // Get an instance of the plugin. $tag = $this->tagPluginManager->createInstance($tag_name); // Render any tokens in the value. $token_replacements = []; if ($entity) { // @todo This needs a better way of discovering the context. if ($entity instanceof ViewEntityInterface) { // Views tokens require the ViewExecutable, not the config entity. // @todo Can we move this into metatag_views somehow? $token_replacements = ['view' => $entity->getExecutable()]; } elseif ($entity instanceof ContentEntityInterface) { $token_replacements = [$entity->getEntityTypeId() => $entity]; } } // Set the value as sometimes the data needs massaging, such as when // field defaults are used for the Robots field, which come as an array // that needs to be filtered and converted to a string. // @see Robots::setValue() $tag->setValue($value); $langcode = \Drupal::languageManager()->getCurrentLanguage(LanguageInterface::TYPE_CONTENT)->getId(); if ($tag->type() === 'image') { $processed_value = $this->tokenService->replace($tag->value(), $token_replacements, ['langcode' => $langcode]); } else { $processed_value = PlainTextOutput::renderFromHtml(htmlspecialchars_decode($this->tokenService->replace($tag->value(), $token_replacements, ['langcode' => $langcode]))); } // Now store the value with processed tokens back into the plugin. $tag->setValue($processed_value); // Have the tag generate the output based on the value we gave it. $output = $tag->output(); if (!empty($output)) { $rawTags[$tag_name] = $output; } } } return $rawTags; } /** * Returns a list of fields handled by Metatag. * * @return array * A list of supported field types. */ protected function fieldTypes() { // @todo Either get this dynamically from field plugins or forget it and // just hardcode metatag where this is called. return ['metatag']; } }