'file', 1 => 'article']. * * @var array */ protected $elementsToMatch = []; /** * An optional xpath predicate. * * Restricts the matching elements based on values in their children. Parsed * from the element query at construct time. * * @var string */ protected $xpathPredicate = NULL; /** * Array representing the path to the current element as we traverse the XML. * * For example, if in an XML string like '
' * we are positioned within the article element, currentPath will be * [0 => 'file', 1 => 'article']. * * @var array */ protected $currentPath = []; /** * Retains all elements with a given name to support extraction from parents. * * This is a hack to support field extraction of values in parents * of the 'context node' - ie, if $this->fields() has something like '..\nid'. * Since we are using a streaming xml processor, it is too late to snoop * around parent elements again once we've located an element of interest. So, * grab elements with matching names and their depths, and refer back to it * when building the source row. * * @var array */ protected $parentXpathCache = []; /** * Hash of the element names that should be captured into $parentXpathCache. * * @var array */ protected $parentElementsOfInterest = []; /** * Element name matching mode. * * When matching element names, whether to compare to the namespace-prefixed * name, or the local name. * * @var bool */ protected $prefixedName = FALSE; /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function __construct(array $configuration, $plugin_id, $plugin_definition) { parent::__construct($configuration, $plugin_id, $plugin_definition); $this->reader = new \XMLReader(); // Suppress errors during parsing, so we can pick them up after. libxml_use_internal_errors(TRUE); // Parse the element query. First capture group is the element path, second // (if present) is the attribute. preg_match_all('|^/([^\[]+)\[?(.*?)]?$|', $configuration['item_selector'], $matches); $element_path = $matches[1][0]; $this->elementsToMatch = explode('/', $element_path); $predicate = $matches[2][0]; if ($predicate) { $this->xpathPredicate = $predicate; } // If the element path contains any colons, it must be specifying // namespaces, so we need to compare using the prefixed element // name in next(). if (strpos($element_path, ':')) { $this->prefixedName = TRUE; } foreach ($this->fieldSelectors() as $field_name => $xpath) { $prefix = substr($xpath, 0, 3); if ($prefix === '../') { $this->parentElementsOfInterest[] = str_replace('../', '', $xpath); } elseif ($prefix === '..\\') { $this->parentElementsOfInterest[] = str_replace('..\\', '', $xpath); } } } /** * Builds a \SimpleXmlElement rooted at the iterator's current location. * * The resulting SimpleXmlElement also contains any child nodes of the current * element. * * @return \SimpleXmlElement|false * A \SimpleXmlElement when the document is parseable, or false if a * parsing error occurred. * * @throws MigrateException */ protected function getSimpleXml() { $node = $this->reader->expand(); if ($node) { // We must associate the DOMNode with a DOMDocument to be able to import // it into SimpleXML. Despite appearances, this is almost twice as fast as // simplexml_load_string($this->readOuterXML()); $dom = new \DOMDocument(); $node = $dom->importNode($node, TRUE); $dom->appendChild($node); $sxml_elem = simplexml_import_dom($node); $this->registerNamespaces($sxml_elem); return $sxml_elem; } else { foreach (libxml_get_errors() as $error) { $error_string = self::parseLibXmlError($error); throw new MigrateException($error_string); } return FALSE; } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function rewind() { // Reset our path tracker. $this->currentPath = []; parent::rewind(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function openSourceUrl($url) { // (Re)open the provided URL. $this->reader->close(); return $this->reader->open($url, NULL, \LIBXML_NOWARNING); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function fetchNextRow() { $target_element = NULL; // Loop over each node in the XML file, looking for elements at a path // matching the input query string (represented in $this->elementsToMatch). while ($this->reader->read()) { if ($this->reader->nodeType == \XMLReader::ELEMENT) { if ($this->prefixedName) { $this->currentPath[$this->reader->depth] = $this->reader->name; if (in_array($this->reader->name, $this->parentElementsOfInterest)) { $this->parentXpathCache[$this->reader->depth][$this->reader->name][] = $this->getSimpleXml(); } } else { $this->currentPath[$this->reader->depth] = $this->reader->localName; if (in_array($this->reader->localName, $this->parentElementsOfInterest)) { $this->parentXpathCache[$this->reader->depth][$this->reader->name][] = $this->getSimpleXml(); } } if ($this->currentPath == $this->elementsToMatch) { // We're positioned to the right element path - build the SimpleXML // object to enable proper xpath predicate evaluation. $target_element = $this->getSimpleXml(); if ($target_element !== FALSE) { if (empty($this->xpathPredicate) || $this->predicateMatches($target_element)) { break; } } } } elseif ($this->reader->nodeType == \XMLReader::END_ELEMENT) { // Remove this element and any deeper ones from the current path. foreach ($this->currentPath as $depth => $name) { if ($depth >= $this->reader->depth) { unset($this->currentPath[$depth]); } } foreach ($this->parentXpathCache as $depth => $elements) { if ($depth > $this->reader->depth) { unset($this->parentXpathCache[$depth]); } } } } // If we've found the desired element, populate the currentItem and // currentId with its data. if ($target_element !== FALSE && !is_null($target_element)) { foreach ($this->fieldSelectors() as $field_name => $xpath) { $prefix = substr($xpath, 0, 3); if (in_array($prefix, ['../', '..\\'])) { $name = str_replace($prefix, '', $xpath); $up = substr_count($xpath, $prefix); $values = $this->getAncestorElements($up, $name); } else { $values = $target_element->xpath($xpath); } foreach ($values as $value) { // If the SimpleXMLElement doesn't render to a string of any sort, // and has children then return the whole object for the process // plugin or other row manipulation. if ($value->children() && !trim((string) $value)) { $this->currentItem[$field_name] = $value; } else { $this->currentItem[$field_name][] = (string) $value; } } } // Reduce single-value results to scalars. foreach ($this->currentItem as $field_name => $values) { if (count($values) == 1) { $this->currentItem[$field_name] = reset($values); } } } } /** * Tests whether the iterator's xpath predicate matches the provided element. * * Has some limitations esp. in that it is easy to write predicates that * reference things outside this SimpleXmlElement's tree, but "simpler" * predicates should work as expected. * * @param \SimpleXMLElement $elem * The element to test. * * @return bool * True if the element matches the predicate, false if not. */ protected function predicateMatches(\SimpleXMLElement $elem) { return !empty($elem->xpath('/*[' . $this->xpathPredicate . ']')); } /** * Gets an ancestor SimpleXMLElement, if the element name was registered. * * Gets the SimpleXMLElement some number of levels above the iterator * having the given name, but only for element names that this * Xml data parser was told to retain for future reference through the * constructor's $parent_elements_of_interest. * * @param int $levels_up * The number of levels back towards the root of the DOM tree to ascend * before searching for the named element. * @param string $name * The name of the desired element. * * @return \SimpleXMLElement|false * The element matching the level and name requirements, or false if it is * not present or was not retained. */ public function getAncestorElements($levels_up, $name) { if ($levels_up > 0) { $levels_up *= -1; } $ancestor_depth = $this->reader->depth + $levels_up + 1; if ($ancestor_depth < 0) { return FALSE; } if (array_key_exists($ancestor_depth, $this->parentXpathCache) && array_key_exists($name, $this->parentXpathCache[$ancestor_depth])) { return $this->parentXpathCache[$ancestor_depth][$name]; } else { return FALSE; } } }