t('Simple XML sitemap PHP extensions'), 'value' => t('Missing PHP xmlwriter extension'), 'description' => t('In order to be able to generate sitemaps, the Simple XML sitemap module requires the xmlwriter PHP extension to be enabled.'), 'severity' => REQUIREMENT_ERROR, ]; } switch ($phase) { case 'runtime': $generator = \Drupal::service('simple_sitemap.generator'); $generated_ago = $generator->getGeneratedAgo(); $cron_generation = $generator->getSetting('cron_generate'); if (!$generated_ago) { $value = t('Not available'); $description = t($cron_generation ? 'Run cron, or generate the sitemap manually.' : 'Generation on cron run is disabled. Generate the sitemap manually.', [ '@generate' => $GLOBALS['base_url'] . '/admin/config/search/simplesitemap' ] ); $severity = REQUIREMENT_WARNING; } else { $value = t('XML sitemap is available'); $description = t('The XML sitemap was generated @ago ago.' . ' ' . ($cron_generation ? 'Run cron, or regenerate the sitemap manually.' : 'Generation on cron run is disabled. Regenerate the sitemap manually.'), [ '@sitemap' => $GLOBALS['base_url'] . '/sitemap.xml', '@ago' => $generated_ago, '@generate' => $GLOBALS['base_url'] . '/admin/config/search/simplesitemap' ] ); $severity = REQUIREMENT_INFO; } $requirements['simple_sitemap_generated'] = [ 'title' => 'Simple XML sitemap', 'value' => $value, 'description' => $description, 'severity' => $severity, ]; break; } return $requirements; } /** * Implements hook_schema(). */ function simple_sitemap_schema() { $schema['simple_sitemap'] = [ 'description' => 'Holds XML sitemaps as strings for quick retrieval.', 'fields' => [ 'id' => [ 'description' => 'Sitemap chunk unique identifier.', 'type' => 'int', 'size' => 'small', 'not null' => TRUE, 'unsigned' => TRUE, ], 'sitemap_string' => [ 'description' => 'XML sitemap chunk string.', 'type' => 'text', 'size' => 'big', 'not null' => TRUE, ], 'sitemap_created' => [ 'description' => 'Timestamp of sitemap chunk generation.', 'type' => 'int', 'default' => 0, 'not null' => TRUE, 'unsigned' => TRUE, ], ], 'primary key' => ['id'], ]; $schema['simple_sitemap_entity_overrides'] = [ 'description' => 'Holds sitemap settings overridden by entities.', 'fields' => [ 'id' => [ 'description' => 'Override unique identifier.', 'type' => 'serial', 'unsigned' => TRUE, 'not null' => TRUE, ], 'entity_type' => [ 'description' => 'Entity type of the overriding entity.', 'type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 32, 'not null' => TRUE, ], 'entity_id' => [ 'description' => 'ID of the overriding entity.', 'type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 32, 'not null' => TRUE, ], 'inclusion_settings' => [ 'description' => 'Setting for the overriding entity.', 'type' => 'blob', ], ], 'primary key' => ['id'], ]; return $schema; } /** * Implements hook_install(). */ function simple_sitemap_install() { $base_url = $GLOBALS['base_url']; drupal_set_message(t("You can now include content into the sitemap by visiting the corresponding entity type edit pages (e.g. node type edit pages).
Support for additional entity types and custom links can be added on the module's configuration pages.", ['@content_type_url' => "$base_url/admin/structure/types", '@config_url' => "$base_url/admin/config/search/simplesitemap"])); } /** * Changing the data structure of the module's configuration. */ function simple_sitemap_update_8201() { $entity_types = \Drupal::config('simple_sitemap.settings')->get('entity_types'); $entity_types = is_array($entity_types) ? $entity_types : []; $naming_changes = [ 'node_type' => 'node', 'taxonomy_vocabulary' => 'taxonomy_term', 'menu' => 'menu_link_content', 'commerce_product_type' => 'commerce_product', 'media_bundle' => 'media', ]; foreach ($entity_types as $entity_type_name => $settings) { if (isset($naming_changes[$entity_type_name])) { $entity_types[$naming_changes[$entity_type_name]] = $entity_types[$entity_type_name]; unset($entity_types[$entity_type_name]); } } \Drupal::service('config.factory')->getEditable('simple_sitemap.settings') ->set('entity_types', $entity_types)->save(); } /** * Moving entity overrides from configuration to database table. */ function simple_sitemap_update_8202() { $database = \Drupal::database(); // Create database table. if (!$database->schema()->tableExists('simple_sitemap_entity_overrides')) { $database->schema()->createTable('simple_sitemap_entity_overrides', [ 'description' => 'Holds sitemap settings overridden by entities.', 'fields' => [ 'id' => [ 'description' => 'Override unique identifier.', 'type' => 'serial', 'unsigned' => TRUE, 'not null' => TRUE, ], 'entity_type' => [ 'description' => 'Entity type of the overriding entity.', 'type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 32, 'not null' => TRUE, ], 'entity_id' => [ 'description' => 'ID of the overriding entity.', 'type' => 'int', 'unsigned' => TRUE, 'not null' => TRUE, ], 'inclusion_settings' => [ 'description' => 'Setting for the overriding entity.', 'type' => 'blob', ], ], 'primary key' => ['id'], ]); } // Populate database table with config values. $entity_types = \Drupal::config('simple_sitemap.settings')->get('entity_types'); $entity_types = is_array($entity_types) ? $entity_types : []; foreach ($entity_types as $entity_type_name => &$entity_type) { if (is_array($entity_type)) { foreach ($entity_type as $bundle_name => &$bundle) { if (isset($bundle['entities'])) { foreach ($bundle['entities'] as $entity_id => $entity_settings) { $database->insert('simple_sitemap_entity_overrides') ->fields([ 'entity_type' => $entity_type_name, 'entity_id' => $entity_id, 'inclusion_settings' => serialize($entity_settings), ]) ->execute(); } // Remove entity overrides from configuration. unset($bundle['entities']); } } } } \Drupal::service('config.factory')->getEditable('simple_sitemap.settings') ->set('entity_types', $entity_types)->save(); } /** * Splitting simple_sitemap.settings configuration into simple_sitemap.settings, * simple_sitemap.entity_types and simple_sitemap.custom. */ function simple_sitemap_update_8203() { $old_config = $config = \Drupal::config('simple_sitemap.settings'); foreach (['entity_types', 'custom'] as $config_name) { if (!$config = $old_config->get($config_name)) { continue; } \Drupal::service('config.factory')->getEditable("simple_sitemap.$config_name") ->setData($config)->save(); } $settings = $old_config->get('settings'); \Drupal::service('config.factory')->getEditable("simple_sitemap.settings") ->setData($settings)->save(); } /** * Removing entity type settings for entity types which do not have the canonical * link template. */ function simple_sitemap_update_8204() { $sitemap_entity_types = \Drupal::service('entity_type.manager')->getDefinitions(); $entity_types = \Drupal::config('simple_sitemap.entity_types')->get(); unset($entity_types['_core']); foreach ($entity_types as $entity_type_id => $entity_type) { if (!isset($sitemap_entity_types[$entity_type_id]) || !$sitemap_entity_types[$entity_type_id]->hasLinkTemplate('canonical')) { // Delete entity overrides. \Drupal::database()->delete('simple_sitemap_entity_overrides') ->condition('entity_type', $entity_type_id) ->execute(); // Delete entity type settings. unset($entity_types[$entity_type_id]); } } \Drupal::service('config.factory')->getEditable("simple_sitemap.entity_types") ->setData($entity_types)->save(); } /** * Splitting simple_sitemap.entity_types into individual configuration objects * for each bundle. */ function simple_sitemap_update_8205() { $entity_types = \Drupal::config('simple_sitemap.entity_types')->get(); unset($entity_types['_core']); $enabled_entity_types = []; foreach ($entity_types as $entity_type_id => $bundles) { $enabled_entity_types[] = $entity_type_id; foreach ($bundles as $bundle_name => $bundle_settings) { \Drupal::service('config.factory') ->getEditable("simple_sitemap.bundle_settings.$entity_type_id.$bundle_name") ->setData($bundle_settings)->save(); } } // Add enabled entity type settings. \Drupal::service('config.factory') ->getEditable('simple_sitemap.settings') ->set('enabled_entity_types', $enabled_entity_types) ->save(); // Remove old configuration object. \Drupal::service('config.factory') ->getEditable('simple_sitemap.entity_types') ->delete(); } /** * Placing custom links in a subkey of simple_sitemap.custom configuration. */ function simple_sitemap_update_8206() { $custom_links = \Drupal::config('simple_sitemap.custom')->get(); foreach ($custom_links as $i => $custom_link) { if (!isset($custom_link['path'])) { unset($custom_links[$i]); } } \Drupal::service('config.factory')->getEditable('simple_sitemap.custom') ->setData(['links' => $custom_links])->save(); } /** * Updating entity_id field of simple_sitemap_entity_overrides table to varchar(32). */ function simple_sitemap_update_8207() { \Drupal::database()->schema()->changeField( 'simple_sitemap_entity_overrides', 'entity_id', 'entity_id', [ 'description' => 'ID of the overriding entity.', 'type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 32, 'not null' => TRUE, ] ); } /** * Adding changefreq setting to all existing bundle and entity instance settings. */ function simple_sitemap_update_8208() { // Update existing bundle settings. $config_factory = \Drupal::service('config.factory'); $entity_types = $config_factory->listAll('simple_sitemap.bundle_settings.'); foreach ($entity_types as $entity_type) { $config = $config_factory->get($entity_type)->get(); if (!isset($config['changefreq'])) { $config_factory->getEditable($entity_type) ->setData($config + ['changefreq' => '']) ->save(); } } // Update existing entity override data. $results = \Drupal::database()->select('simple_sitemap_entity_overrides', 'o') ->fields('o', ['id', 'inclusion_settings']) ->execute()->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_OBJ); foreach ($results as $row) { $settings = unserialize($row->inclusion_settings); if (!isset($settings['changefreq'])) { \Drupal::database()->update('simple_sitemap_entity_overrides') ->fields(['inclusion_settings' => serialize($settings + ['changefreq' => '']),]) ->condition('id', $row->id) ->execute(); } } return t('You may now want to configure the new changefreq setting for sitemap entities and custom links.'); } /** * Adding image inclusion setting to all existing bundle and entity instance settings. */ function simple_sitemap_update_8209() { // Update existing bundle settings. $config_factory = \Drupal::service('config.factory'); $entity_types = $config_factory->listAll('simple_sitemap.bundle_settings.'); foreach ($entity_types as $entity_type) { $config = $config_factory->get($entity_type)->get(); if (!isset($config['include_images'])) { $config_factory->getEditable($entity_type) ->setData($config + ['include_images' => 0]) ->save(); } } // Update existing entity override data. $results = \Drupal::database()->select('simple_sitemap_entity_overrides', 'o') ->fields('o', ['id', 'inclusion_settings']) ->execute()->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_OBJ); foreach ($results as $row) { $settings = unserialize($row->inclusion_settings); if (!isset($settings['include_images'])) { \Drupal::database()->update('simple_sitemap_entity_overrides') ->fields(['inclusion_settings' => serialize($settings + ['include_images' => 0]),]) ->condition('id', $row->id) ->execute(); } } return t('You may now want to configure your sitemap entities to include images.'); }