On Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 11:57 AM, Patrick Doyle wrote: > Before I go too far down this path, I figured I should just ask the question... > > The SDCLK<0> output pin on the PXA270 is wired to SA_SDCLK0, which is > wired to pin Y11 on the FPGA.  I would like to run some synchronous > logic (specifically, a dual clocked FIFO) off of this clock.  Right > now, it doesn't seem to be wiggling.  I can think of 2 reasons > immediately why I might not see it wiggling: > > 1) I did something wrong. > > 2) It doesn't wiggle unless it is configured to do so, and the default > kernel doesn't configure it to wiggle. > > I'm working on trying to figure out option (1).  I thought I should > ask you folks about option (2). > It seems like I need to set the K0FREE bit of the MDREFR register. I can do that fairly easily and hackilly by just OR-ing MDREFR_K0FREE into MDREFR inside a loadable kernel module. Is there a better (kernel or even user space) API for examining and manipulating bits in MDREFR and other registers? --wpd