I for one don't need it. Toby Churchill 20 Panton Street CAMBRIDGE, CB2 1HP www.tobychurchill.info On 3 July 2013 13:07, Wookey wrote: > The balloonboard.org domain expired last week and Aleph One who have > sponsored it, and the website hosting, since we started didn't > particularly feel like paying to renew it, given the mostly-defunct > nature of the project at this stage. > > So I've paid for two more years (and thus am now in control of the > domain), and Laurie has kindly agreed to keep hosting the website for > the time being until someone else volunteers, or the > space/memory/bandwidth usage on the server become problematic. > > So, in the medium term does any one care enough to keep this project > on line for current or historical interest? I see that the build > system has been updated to cover a couple of the boards that more > successfully filled the space balloon was aimed at (beaglebone black > and rPi) so it is still being used. > > The lart website is still on the net, a good 15 years after it was > relevant. I'd like to think that people would be able to find balloon > info in 10 years time too if they needed it (for lightwriter > maintenance or retro-computing parties). > > At some point I plan to move my stuff off Aleph One's server and am > happy to take the balloon stuff with me, but I don't know when I'll > actually get my finger out and do that. > > The existing site is a smidge under 4G of stuff, moinmoin-based with a > mailman list, and lurker indexing. > > Wookey > -- > Principal hats: Linaro, Emdebian, Wookware, Balloonboard, ARM > http://wookware.org/ > > _______________________________________________ > Balloon mailing list > Balloon@balloonboard.org > http://balloonboard.org/mailman/listinfo/balloon >