[Balloon] Balloon

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Author: Toby Churchill
To: balloon
Subject: [Balloon] Balloon
Charles has to be congratulated for keeping us on our toes!
It's just what we need to knock the mighty BalloonBoard into shape.
Efforts this end are also excellent, ta!

The boards are available at the website below (both FPGA and CPLD).
We've sold 1 FPGA to Gilles in Marseilles and a couple of hundred to
www.pod-point.com/ (who seem to be having some difficulty paying us, and DB,
and CMJ).
We're surviving financial just (having taken out a startup loan).
New customers welcome!

Toby Churchill
iEndian Ltd
20 Panton Street

On 28 October 2010 21:46, Charles Manning <> wrote:

> Hi All
> I'm trying to find out "the right way" to cross compile for balloon.
> I started with a small program
> xx.c:
> #include <stdio.h>
> main()
> {
>  while(1){
>    printf("x\n");
>    sleep(2);
>  }
> }

> I cross-compiled that with
> arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc xx.c -o xx_arm
> which gave a binary of around 5kbytes. I copied that onto Balloon and tried
> to
> run it and got:
> -sh: ./xx_arm not found
> even though it was there and had x permissions. I suspect some missing
> shared
> library linking...
> I then rebuilt with:
> arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc --static xx.c -o xx_arm
> which gave a 555kbytes binary which ran.
> What's the magic to get shared library building working?
> Thanks
> Charles
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