A Robust Flash File System Since 2002

Yaffs (Yet Another Flash File System) is an open-source file system specifically designed to be fast, robust and suitable for embedded use with NAND and NOR Flash. It is widely used with Linux, RTOSs, or no OS at all, in consumer devices, avionics, and critical infrastructure. It is available under GNU Public License, GPL, or on commercial terms from Aleph One.


Yaffs in space!

Tess satelliteThe NASA Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) is a project which is searching for exoplanets in orbit around the brightest stars in the sky. It was launched in April 2018.

TESS uses our Yaffs File System to store incoming data and preserve it, in the rigours of the space environment, before sending it back to Earth. 

TESS finds planets by in our solar neighborhood by monitoring 200,000 stars for temporary drops in brightness caused by planetary transits. TESS found 66 planets in its primary mission and almost 2,100 other possible planets. Since then TESS has continued to work - and has found 500 hundred more planets and another 5,000 candidates. 

Some File Systems are not robust enough to be suitable for such exacting work, but TESS has been successful for almost seven years in space.

NASA has more about details of the current mission objective and the extended TESS mission and you can find out more on Wikipedia or on the NASA TESS site.