Re: [Yaffs] Yaffs2 mount/umount issue

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Author: Charles Manning
To: subbarao mungara
CC: yaffs
Subject: Re: [Yaffs] Yaffs2 mount/umount issue
This is caused by the oob area not being stored correctly. The tags arw
getting corrupted and lost.

It might look like the file is being stored and read back but it is in the
cache. If you drop the cache then you will see the files has not actually
been stored properly.

On May 22, 2010 6:44 AM, "subbarao mungara" <> wrote:


I am having issue with yaffs2 file system. Files in yaffs2 flash file
system not retained across mount operations. Here is what I am

// erase all flash contents
$ flaserase-all /dev/mtd3
// mount yaffs2 to /flash
$ mount -t yaffs2 /dev/mtdblock3 /flash

// add hello.c to flash filesystem
 $cd /flash
 $ cp /hello.c .
 $ls                       // ls lists both lost_found and hello.c as well.
 $ cd /
// unmount flash file system
 $umount /flash

// remount the flash file system
 $ mount -t yaffs2 /dev/mtdblock3 /flash
 $ls                          // ls lists only "lost+found"

Could you explain what causes this behavior?


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