Having started in 2002 Yaffs embodies more than ten years of experience with Flash memory and its specialised needs, coupled with continued growth in the number of people and companies using Yaffs.
It's been used by developers in the USA, Australia, Europe, China, and numerous other markets. There's a developer who has used it, who speaks your language.
Since its inception numerous features and refinements have been added. The code continues to evolve, growing in value to users whilst retaining backward compatibility. The community of users continues to grow as more and more people and companies opt to use Yaffs, providing a pool of knowledge which is accessible to new users.
The availability of the GNU General Public Licence version means that there's always an exit route for open source projects, and since it's open-source, existing commercial projects will at the very least always have the source code and the licence to continue to use it, and likely much more. Plus commercial projects benefit from the open source experience in Yaffs - both with respect to developers and knowledge.
Yaffs is a safe choice for any project needing a Flash file system: it has well over ten years of history, proven sustainability, a continuously improving codebase, a growing user base, and exit routes, since it will continue to be available regardless of Yaffs.net.